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Minister Quinn nominates Chairperson of the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Board

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., has nominated Sylda Langford to become Chairperson of the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Board. In accordance with Government procedures, the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and Social Protection will meet with Ms Langford next week to discuss the approach she will take as Chairperson and her views about the future contribution of the new organisation. Following that discussion, a final decision will be taken by the Minister in relation to the confirmation of Ms Langford as Chairperson.

Minister Quinn also intends to establish the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Board and to announce the membership of the full Board as soon as possible.

The Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Board is a new body which will be established shortly under the provisions of the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Act 2012. The Board will oversee the use of the cash contributions of up to €110 million pledged by the 18 religious congregations to support the needs of some 15,000 survivors of residential institutional child abuse.

This support will involve the provision of a range of approved services, including health and personal social services, education and housing services. To date €40m in cash contributions has been received and a further €27m is expected on the establishment of the Fund. The 15,000 survivors are those who have received awards from the Residential Institutions Redress Board or equivalent court awards. On the establishment of the new Board the existing Education Finance Board will be dissolved and its functions in relation to its remaining funds will be performed by the new Board.

The new Board will consist of the Chairperson and eight members, four of whom must be former residents of the 139 scheduled institutions to the Residential Institutions Redress Act 2002.

 Note for Editors:

Sylda Langford is the former Director General of the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs in the previous Department of Health and Children. Previously she was an Assistant Secretary General in the Department of Justice and Law Reform for nine years. She has had extensive experience in policy and legislative work across a broad range of government areas. She is Chair of the Citizen's Information Board and has a professional background in social policy and social work.