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Minister Ruairi Quinn thanks Boards of Management volunteers

Minister for Education and Skills Ruairi Quinn TD today thanked the thousands of volunteers who have served on Boards of Management of primary schools over the last four years and encouraged parents to stand for election for new Boards of Management in over 3,000 schools.

The Minister for Education and Skills Ruairi Quinn, T.D., is encouraging parents to stand for election for appointment to Boards of Management of primary schools.

Elections will be arranged by individual schools over the coming weeks for appointments to new Boards of Management that will take up office from 1 December 2011.

Membership of a Board of Management is designed to reflect all the different interests in the school community (patron, parents, teachers and wider community).

There will be elections for approximately 3,300 Boards of Management with generally eight members per Board, two of whom are parent representatives.

The procedures for the appointment and operation of the new Boards of Management are being published today on the Department’s website.

"This is a great opportunity for parents to continue to play an active role in their children's schools," said the Minister.

"This is about the partners in education sharing responsibility for running the schools in a manner that provides all pupils with the best education possible".

He paid tribute to the huge voluntary contribution made by over 20,000 members of the outgoing Boards who have given their time freely to help create a suitable learning environment for every child and ensure schools run efficiently.

"We are very fortunate to have people who are willing to give their time and energy to their local schools" he said.