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Minister Bruton and Minister Corcoran Kennedy Support Active School Week 2017

Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton TD, supported by the Minister for Health Promotion, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy TD, today encouraged all schools to get active this Active School Week (ASW).
Students need 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day and schools are encouraged to download the challenge charts and certificates from the Active School flag website to get this message across. All schools and agencies are encouraged to “Get Active 60 minutes per day” and share their Active School Week activities and events using #ASW2017 and tagging @activeflag
Sponsored by the Department of Education & Skills and Healthy Ireland, Active School Week encourages its inclusion in the annual calendar of all schools, and is an integral part of the Active School Flag initiative. The Active School Flag initiative recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community, and 655 schools currently have Active School Flag Status.
Speaking in Scoil Naisiunta Mhuire Na Mbrathar in Marino this morning, Minister Bruton said: “We know how important it is to be physically active, and Active School Week activities underline how important this is as part of a healthy school community. The National Physical Activity Plan is a game changer in how we promote and value physical activity. My Department has committed to ambitious goals as part of that plan and work has already begun on implementation. For instance my Department are committed to the roll out of the ASF Programme to an additional 500 schools. Active School Week fits into this important agenda and is a great initiative.”
Minister Bruton also said: “I would like to acknowledge the support of the Federation of Irish Sport, Ireland Active and the various National Governing Bodies and Local Sports Partnerships in supporting the Active School Week.”
The Minister for Health Promotion, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy TD also urged schools to get involved saying: “being physically active is one of the most important things we can do to look after our mental and physical health. Active School Week is an ideal opportunity for schools, children, parents and the wider community to work together to commit to becoming more physically active. The Week is about being active and having fun and is a very important initiative for improving health and wellbeing of all of our school communities and for all of us working together for a Healthy Ireland”.
Note for Editors
Images of the visit and Active School Week in SN Mhuire Na Mbrathar available from Maxwell Photography.

Scoil Naisiunta Mhuire Na Mbrathar, Marino, Dublin 9:
During the visit pupils from SN Mhuire Na Mbrathar demonstrated their gymnastic, circuit training, hurling and athletics skills. The school has won hurling school of the year and competed in Cumann na mBunscoil in Co. Dublin. The whole school also took part in an activity blitz, the school does this each Tuesday, and each day during active school week.

Active School Flag:
The Active School Flag is administered by Mayo Education Centre, Castlebar, Co Mayo. For further information on Active School Week go to
National Governing Bodies of Sport
Active School Flag
Mayo Education Centre