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Minister Jan O’Sullivan launches National Anti-Bullying website

20151118JanOSullivanBullyingPictured with Education Minister Jan O'Sullivan are Amy Smith, Danayt Teib and Chelsea Murphy -  Transition year students in St. Dominic's Secondary school, Ballyfermot

As part of the implementation of the Government’s Action Plan on Bullying, Education Minister Jan O’Sullivan today launched the national anti-bullying website,

The website, which was developed by the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre (ABC) at Dublin City University, provides information, support and advice for students, teachers and parents on how to recognise and deal with bullying behaviour and allows teenagers to share experiences with their peers online.

The launch of the website is part of the final phase of implementation of the Government’s Action Plan on Bullying. The Action Plan, which was published in January 2013, sets out twelve actions to help prevent and tackle bullying in primary and post primary schools. The actions focus on support for schools awareness raising and research.

The Minister announced an extra €33,000 in funding for the National Parents Councils  anti-bullying training programme for parents this year. The additional funding will bring the total amount spent on the programme to almost €250,000 since 2013.

The Action Plan for Bullying is available on the Department of Education and Skills website here

The research into “Preventing school bullying of children with Special Needs or Disability” is available on the National Disability Authority website

Information on anti-bullying training for parents is available on the National Parents Council website

The national anti-bullying procedures for primary and post-primary schools are available on the Department of Education and Skills website here.