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Minister O’Sullivan comments on Junior Cycle reform talks.

The Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, TD, today restated her commitment to what she described as “the necessary and important agenda of junior cycle reform.”
The Minister was speaking following the unsuccessful conclusion of talks between the Department and second-level teaching unions on the issue of Junior Cycle reform.
“In talks over recent days the second-level teaching unions have been offered a significantly altered framework for junior cycle reform. These changes are based on the consultation with parents, students and teachers that I have engaged in over recent months.
“The previous framework proposed the removal of state certification from the junior cycle and would have seen 100% of marks assessed by the class teacher.
“In talks over recent days I have offered teachers a fair and sensible compromise in relation to junior cycle reform. The main elements of the proposal were:
· Final exams in third year accounting for 60% of junior cycle marks
· These exams would be set and marked by the State Exams Commission
· A State certificate would issue to every student on completion of the junior cycle.
· 40% of junior cycle marks would be awarded for project or portfolio work during 2nd and 3rd year
· This 40% would be assessed by classroom teachers
· The State Exams Commission would check a proportion of these marks to ensure consistency and fairness.
“These are extensive changes designed to retain the progressive elements of reform while addressing concerns expressed by the teaching profession. It is regrettable that the second-level teaching unions have failed to engage positively with the proposal.”
“We need to reform the Junior Cycle. The structure of the exam at present doesn’t serve the best interests of students. The skills young people need for life – skills such as communications, teamwork and problem solving – aren’t skills that can be tested by a final written exam. We are also placing enormous pressure on young children by having such a reliance on written exams taking place over a short number of weeks. “
“Having a substantial element of school-based assessment encourages the teaching of a broader range of skills and results in a much more rounded picture of a young person’s capabilities being fostered and assessed. Similar reforms have been introduced in Scotland, Finland, Australia and New Zealand, all countries with high-performing education systems. In Ireland we have been talking about junior cycle reform for nearly 30 years. It’s high time that we took action.”
“I am convinced that the framework I put forward at these talks will result in a better educational experience for students at second level, while also respecting the concerns of teachers regarding reform. It is regrettable that the leadership of the second-level teaching unions was not prepared to move from its pre-talks position and grasp the opportunity that the significant movement by the Department presented. “
“I am still willing to engage with teaching unions on this reformed framework. However, the breakdown of these talks will not scupper the much-needed reform of the junior cycle. Over the coming weeks I will be looking at how that agenda is advanced and I would ask the second-level teaching unions to re-engage on what is a fair basis for agreement.”