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More than 1,500 children attended Dept of Education & Skills funded English language literacy summer camps

More than 1,500 primary pupils across the country have taken part in Department of Education and Skills (DES) week-long English language literacy summer camps. Last month, some 1,000 children attended Campaí Samhraidh, the DES funded Irish language literacy courses.

A new feature of this year’s summer camps is the inclusion of a numeracy element, in line with both the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy and the Programme for Government.

The Strategy was launched by the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn, TD, last year. It has ambitious targets and describes the actions that must be taken to improve the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy. From September 2011, primary schools have had to spend 90 minutes on literacy and 50 minutes on numeracy each day.

The Programme for Government shows the Government’s commitment to improving students’ skills in the areas of reading, communication, writing and mathematics.

This summer, 42 English camps are taking place in designated disadvantaged (DEIS) schools throughout the country, catering for a total of 1,512 pupils. The last of the camps are taking place this week.

Speaking about the programme, the Minister said: "These summer camps are a fantastic way to achieve the new targets in both literacy and numeracy.

"They help children to learn in a fun and relaxed environment, and are a great foundation for the new school year."

Reading skills can decline during the long summer break without the regular reading activity pupils enjoy in schools. The camps help to address this and reinforce what children have learnt in school during the past year.

The programme also provides a strong foundation for the new school year. Most of the English camps are run in August as the impact of the literacy outcomes is more favourable for the child in preparation for their return to school in September.

The Department is providing funding of €189,900 for the English programme, in addition to €145,100 in funding for the Campaí Samhraidh. A total of €335,000 has been made available in 2012.

Participating schools nominate pupils aged 7- 11 years who would benefit most from this initiative, and up to 36 children take part in each camp.

The English language scheme began in 2000, whilst the Campaí Samhraidh started in 2007.

The camps explore literacy, comprehension, reading and thinking skills through activities such as art, drama, music and dance.