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Quinn announces 390 extra SNA posts for coming year

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today obtained Cabinet approval to increase the cap on the number of special needs assistants (SNAs) by 390 in the coming year.

This will bring to almost 11,000 the number of SNA posts available to work with children who have an assessed need for an SNA in primary and post primary schools.

These extra posts will ensure that the Government’s policy of ensuring that every child who is assessed as needing SNA support will receive access to such support.

The previous Government decided in December 2010 to cap the number of WTE (Whole Time Equivalent) SNA posts at 10,575 and that cap has remained in place since its introduction.

However, the number of pupils in our schools has continued to increase since then and the demand for SNAs has also grown.

170 SNA posts will be made available immediately, with a further 220 posts available in 2014.

Speaking after Cabinet today, Minister Quinn said,

Despite our economic difficulties, we need to support our children with special needs to achieve their full potential in school.

“I’m delighted that Government has today approved the allocation of more SNA posts. This means there will be almost 11,000 SNAs available to provide support and care for children with special needs in primary, post primary and Special Schools.

Read the full press release here.