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Rollout of high speed broadband to all second level schools – Rabbitte & Quinn

All second level schools are to get high speed (100Mbps) broadband as part of a new plan announced by Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte and Education Minister Ruairí Quinn.

 Speaking at the launch, Minister Rabbitte commented:

 Our secondary schools need industrial strength broadband. Students’ experience of using technology in their everyday lives must be reflected in their learning experiences in schools. Use of ICT is no longer a separate subject - We must encourage students and teachers to integrate the use of ICT with the traditional teaching methods for all subjects. In this way we will prepare the digital workforce of the future.

The national roll-out will be completed over three stages with 200 schools being connected by September 2012, a further 200 being connected next year and the remaining 250 schools being connected in 2014.

Commenting on the launch, Minister Quinn said:

We need to ensure that appropriate digital technology and high-speed internet are in place in our schools as a basic building block to deliver a 21st Century learning experience to all learners.

Minister Rabbitte noted the impact of the availability of broadband in the classroom:

 The opportunity this morning to see how class room learning can be revolutionised by the availability and adoption of high speed broadband, strengthens my conviction that we are delivering a strategic and worthwhile project that will deliver significant long-term results from both an economic and social perspective.

The programme follows on from the successful pilot project that has been running since 2009. The pilot involved 78 second level schools where the use of broadband has been shown to have improved both teaching and learning.

Read the full press release here.