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Statement from the Departments of Education and Skills and Justice and Equality following first meeting of Task Force aimed at assisting students affected by closure of private colleges

The first meeting of the Task Force set up to protect students affected by the closure of private colleges has taken place.

Jointly chaired by the Department of Education and Skills and the Department of Justice and Equality, the task force’s first priority is to establish the number of genuine students affected by the closure of five private colleges in recent weeks, how many students have been accommodated in other colleges in the sector and what more can be done to assist these international students.

The two hour meeting was described as very positive with all those involved committed to addressing the plight of genuine students left without places to study as a result of the private college closures.

Stakeholders are to consider the issues raised today and the Task Force will meet again next Tuesday where it is expected that options for students who have not yet been accommodated through other placements will be discussed.

The Task Force is made up of stakeholders such as Marketing English in Ireland, the Irish Council for International Students, the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service, Higher Education Colleges Association, Quality and Qualifications Ireland and others.