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Minister Hogan Welcomes Positive Response From The Majority Of Septic Tank Owners And Encourages The Remainder To Register

Almost 400,000 households had registered their septic tanks and domestic waste water treatment systems by the deadline of 1st February last, which means that almost 80% of liable households registered by the deadline.

Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government, Phil Hogan, TD thanked all those households that registered by the closing date of last Friday:

“I want to sincerely thank all those householders that registered their domestic waste water treatment systems by the closing date. Once again it is the silent majority that have supported the primary objective of this legislation, which is to enhance and protect public health and the environment in terms of better quality water. Protecting our environment will also have positive economic benefits. Clean water is vital for all sectors of our economy from pharmaceuticals and ICT to the agricultural and food-producing sectors, all of which rely heavily on clean water.”

The Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012 introduced a new system of registration and inspection for on-site waste water treatment systems, and requires householders to have their treatment systems correctly maintained so as not to cause a risk to human health or the environment. The introduction of the new system was prompted by a European Court of Justice ruling against Ireland in October 2009. The Department Environment, Community & Local Government is in on-going discussions with the European Commission on the implementation of the legislation to ensure full compliance. The deadline for householders to register was 1 February 2013.

“This is a serious problem that I inherited and unlike the previous administration I prioritised bringing forward the necessary legislation to help solve the problem. I would now appeal to the minority of householders that have not yet registered to comply with the law and register their systems. I commend the vast majority of law-abiding householders who have sent a very clear and strong message to the irresponsible members of the Opposition who advocated breaking the law,” the Minister said.


Inspections will be based on a National Inspection Plan to be published by the EPA shortly, and will commence this summer. Minister Hogan said: “I am conscious that there has been considerable concern and scaremongering about inspections. However, I am confident that the majority of householders should have nothing to worry about. Inspections will be objective and aimed at identifying systems which are a risk to public health or the environment. Where an on-site system fails an inspection, practical and pragmatic solutions will be identified to bring the system into compliance in the most cost-effective manner.”

The legislation provides that local authorities can request householders to produce evidence of registration. It is an offence under the legislation for a householder not to register and the penalty, on conviction, is a fine of up to €5,000. Last month, Minister Hogan announced his intention to introduce a grant scheme for householders’ whose systems are deemed, following an inspection, to require remediation or upgrading. Full details of the scheme will be set down in regulations to be made by the Minister in advance of inspections commencing later this year.

Owners of systems selected for inspection will be notified at least 10 working days in advance of an inspection being carried out. Householders should not allow any person enter their property to examine their treatment system unless they have received prior notification in writing from their local authority that their system is to be inspected. Any person claiming to be from a local authority should also be asked for official identification. There will be a public information campaign in advance of inspections commencing.



Note for Editors

There are two main reasons for the implementation of the registration and inspection regime for septic tanks. First and foremost the key objective is to enhance and protect public health and the environment which will, in turn, benefit rural dwellers in terms of a better quality of life and better quality water. Protecting our environment will also have positive economic benefits for the tourism, recreation, agricultural and food-producing sectors, all of which rely on clean water. Clean water is vital for attracting inward investment and to support water hungry sectors such as pharmaceuticals and ICT.

Secondly, following on from a European Court of Justice ruling against Ireland in October 2009 in relation to the treatment of waste waters from septic tanks and other on-site wastewater treatment systems, which the last Government failed to address, Minister Hogan made it a priority of his to address the situation.

Registration of septic tanks and other on-site wastewater treatment systems opened in June 2012. There was a reduced registration fee for a period of 3 months until September 28th 2012. Thereafter the fee was set at €50.

Household Income % Costs available Maximum Grant

Up to €50,000 80% €4,000

€50,001– €75,000 50% €2,500