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Minister Coveney Welcomes Decision in respect of Homeless Facility at Carman’s Hall Francis Street, Dublin 8

The Minister for Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government Mr. Simon Coveney,T.D., today (16 December, 2016) welcomed the decision of the Court to lift the stay on the Francis Street Emergency Accommodation. Dublin City Council will now complete the works on the premises and will have the building occupied before Christmas.

“This is very good news and means that the three new facilities at Ellis Quay, Little Britain Street and Francis Street will be fully operational for those who need them over the Christmas period,” said Minister Coveney

Two new facilities already opened last week. The new facility at Ellis Quay will provide support for 70 persons and Little Britain Street will provide for 75 people.

Carman’s Hall will facilitate 65 individuals. In total this adds an additional 210 new beds to the system. In addition there 20 beds available for use during extreme weather conditions available from the Civil Defence.

The official Dublin Region rough sleeper count is conducted twice yearly (April and November) and it captures the number of persons sleeping rough on a given night. The DRHE has confirmed that a minimum of 142 persons slept rough across the Dublin Region on the night of 22nd November.

The additional 210 beds will cater for all those who are currently sleeping rough and provide for additional capacity for anybody else who might require assistance.

The matter will be back in court for a full hearing in January 2017.