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EU Commissioner Michel Barnier will address 2013 Corporate Governance Conference ‘Actions for Better Business’ in Dublin in May

EU Commissioner Michel Barnier will address 2013 Corporate Governance

Conference ‘Actions for Better Business’ in Dublin in May

As part of Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union for

the first half of 2013, the 12th European Corporate Governance and Company

Law Conference, ‘Actions for Better Business’, will take place on Thursday

and Friday, 16 and 17 May 2013, at the Convention Centre, Dublin. The

conference is organised by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and

Innovation and is sponsored by Arthur Cox, PwC and the Irish Stock


The conference will be addressed by Michel Barnier, European Commissioner

for Internal Market and Services, Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Jobs,

Enterprise and Innovation, and Peter Sutherland, former European

Commissioner, and Director General of the World Trade Organisation. The

conference chairperson on day one will be Pat Cox, former President of the

European Parliament, and day two will be chaired by Danny McCoy, Director

General of the Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation (IBEC).

The conference will discuss and debate the European Commission’s plans to

modernise corporate governance and company law as set out in the recently

published Action Plan: ‘European company law and corporate governance – a

modern legal framework for more engaged shareholder and sustainable

companies’ which was adopted by the Commission on 12 December last.

Having an overall objective of making companies more competitive and

sustainable, the Action Plan has three key elements- increasing

transparency between companies and shareholders, initiatives aimed at

encouraging long-term shareholder engagement, and company law initiatives

to encourage growth and competitiveness. It is anticipated that the Action

Plan will shape Commissioner Barnier’s work in corporate governance and

company law during the second half of his mandate. The event will also

highlight corporate governance best practices and will discuss the key role

corporate governance plays for sustainable business and future economic

stability and investment.

Speaking at the conference launch, Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Jobs,

Enterprise and Innovation, said:

“I am very happy to announce that the Irish Presidency is hosting this

prestigious conference, which will place Ireland at the centre of the

discussion on the most important corporate governance issues on the

international stage. The quality of the speakers guarantees that this will

be a valuable conference for policy makers, investors, practitioners and

academics, and I am very encouraged by the eager interest shown for the

event not just within Ireland, but also at European and international

level. Corporate governance is vital to ensuring the effective management

of companies in the best interests of the wide range of stakeholders. In

Ireland, through the Action Plan for Jobs, we have taken major steps in

this direction with in particular the recent publication of the landmark

Companies Bill. Achieving best practice at European level will make a major

contribution to competitiveness and ultimately facilitate growth and


At the event, Professor Blanaid Clarke, Chair in Corporate Law at Trinity

College Dublin and Deirdre Ahern, Professor at Trinity College Dublin

specialising in Company Law, Corporate Governance and Commercial Law will

reveal the results of a specially commissioned piece of research to examine

whether a ‘comply or explain’ approach can inspire an effective commitment

to board diversity.

Ronan Murphy, Senior Partner, PwC said: “Public trust is key to developing

responsible and sustainable businesses that can contribute to growth in the

European economies. PwC’s 2012 CEO Pulse Survey highlighted an increased

focus on effective corporate governance and the importance of the role of

the board of directors to ensure that this public trust is achieved. This

conference, which we are delighted to sponsor, will provide an excellent

forum to discuss and debate the way forward for corporate governance as

organisations continue to adapt their business models in this changing and

challenging business environment”.

In addition, the conference will host a special session on short-termism

led by the prestigious European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) with

speakers Professor Patrick Bolton of Columbia Business School, and

Professor Alex Edmans, of Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

addressing the audience.

Other speakers and participants will include:

· Amra Balic, Head of Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment

(EMEA), BlackRock;

· Ugo Bassi, Director for Capital and Companies, DG Internal Market,

European Commission

· Professor Niamh Brennan, Michael MacCormac Professor of Management,


· Daryl Byrne, Head of Regulation, Irish Stock Exchange

· Peter Cassells, Director, Edward N Kennedy Institute for Conflict

Intervention, NUI Maynooth, and former General Secretary, Irish

Congress of Trades Unions

· Dr Thomas B Courtney, Partner, Head of Company Compliance and

Governance, Arthur Cox

· Danuta Gray, former CEO, Telefonica 02 in Ireland and Executive


· Chris Hodge, Director of Corporate Governance, UK Financial Reporting


· Myles Lee, Group Chief Executive, CRH plc

· Paul Haran, Chairman, UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of

Business, and Director, Glanbia plc

· Professor Patrick Bolton, Barbara and David Zalaznick Professor of

Business, Columbia Business School

· Professor Alex Edmans, Assistant Professor of Finance, The Wharton

School. University of Pennsylvania

Commenting at the conference launch, Brian O’Gorman, Managing Partner,

Arthur Cox said: “The debate on, and development towards, better corporate

governance is vital to create an effective and viable platform for

corporate activity in Ireland and Europe. We are delighted to be involved

in what promises to be a very important and insightful conference on this

key topic.”

Deirdre Somers, Chief Executive, the Irish Stock Exchange, added:

“Corporate failures in the last decade illustrate graphically the critical

role corporate governance can play in market stability and long term

investment return. To rebuild investor confidence in equity as an asset

class, and to deliver sustainable yields to investors, to manage risk

objectively, and communicate adequately with the market, governance is key,

and it is important that Europe leads the debate. The ISE is delighted to

be a joint-sponsor of this event.”

Cotact Details

Patrick Cluskey, Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation –



Photographs available from Maxwell Photograpy TEL: +353 1 8308072


Notes to Editor:

Access to download conference details and register

The European Corporate Governance Conference is an event which was first

held in 2004 as part of the Dutch Presidency and 11 such conferences have

since taken place in various EU member states during their respective


The particular focus of the Irish event is against a background that

Commissioner Barnier launched a Comprehensive Plan on Corporate Governance

and Company Law (The Action Plan) in December 2012. This brings together

the Commission’s work in both the company law and corporate governance

fields. The action plan will lead the progress which will be made by

Commissioner Barnier in both areas during the second half of his mandate.

This provides the principal focus and discussion topics for the Irish

Presidency event on 16 and 17 May 2013.

Other Supporters

The conference is supported by the European Commission.

Other Supporters are:

European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

The ECGI is an international scientific non-profit association providing a

forum for debate and dialogue between academics, legislators and

practitioners, focusing on major corporate governance issues and thereby

promoting best practice.

ecoDa (The European Confederation of Directors’ Associations)