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Minister Donohoe goes on whistle-stop tour of universities to promote EU careers

Strong representation of Irish staff within the EU institutions must be maintained

Minister for European Affairs, Paschal Donohoe, will this week engage in a whistle-stop tour of Irish universities in a bid to promote EU job opportunities and encourage graduates and jobseekers to consider careers within the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

This is part of the EU Jobs campaign, led by the Department of An Taoiseach, which aims to ensure that a strong Irish presence in the staffing of the EU institutions is maintained and that students are aware of the supports available to them in securing EU posts.

The Minister will also include a number of Blue Star school visits on his itinerary, visiting primary schools to speak to the children about what it means to be a member of the European Union.

“This week I will be visiting DIT, Aungier Street; DCU; UL; and NUI Maynooth to launch EU Jobs seminars as part of the Government’s EU Jobs campaign. This is on the back of visits I made last month to Trinity College and UCD.

“Ireland is currently very well represented in the staffing of the EU institutions, with almost double our relative share of the EU’s total population. In the Commission, for example, there are currently just under 500 Irish officials serving, representing 1.9% of the total staff there.

“However, as a considerable number of the Irish staff who joined the institutions shortly after our accession approach retirement, it is vital that we encourage today’s graduates to consider a career at EU level. This will help to ensure that people who understand Irish concerns and interests remain in strategic roles within Europe and that the EU also benefits from diverse representation from across all Member States.

“While there, I will be outlining the information and supports available to students who are hoping to secure employment within the institutions and look forward to engaging with students about their hope and aspirations for the future.

“I will also be taking the opportunity to visit primary schools engaged in the Blue Star programme and will be calling St. Brigid’s in the Coombe and the Educate Together school in Castleknock to speak to the children about the strength to be found in the diversity of the European Union and how we harness that to work towards a brighter future.”