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Minister Reilly announces publication of the Department of Health’s Statement of Strategy 2011-2014

The Minister for Health Dr. James Reilly TD announced today (8th May 2012) the publication of the Department of Health’s Statement of Strategy 2011-2014.

This Statement of Strategy has been prepared within the framework of the strategies and priorities outlined in the Programme for Government. It sets out the aims of the Department of Health for the period up to 2014, during which time Ireland’s approach to the provision of health services will be radically reshaped. It reiterates the purpose of the health service as being to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Ireland and defines the role of the Department of Health as providing strategic leadership for the health service and ensuring that Government policies for the sector are translated into actions and implemented effectively.

The Minister stated “Over the period covered by the Strategy, we will move towards a health system that provides access based on need rather than income, underpinned by a strengthened primary care sector, a restructured hospital sector and a more transparent ‘money follows the patient’ system of funding. This must be done against a backdrop of economic and fiscal conditions which are the most challenging in the history of the State”.

Minister Reilly further commented “Despite our problems, we are lucky in Ireland in having staff at all levels of our health system who are superbly trained, committed and creative, and who want nothing more than to give our people the health service that they need and deserve. The reforms that we will implement over the next three years are central to supporting staff in achieving this shared objective. Our citizens deserve no less ”.

The Minister looks forward to working with the two Ministers of State and the Secretary General and staff of the Department to advance the Government’s objectives.

The Department’s Statement of Strategy is available on the Department’s website at