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Heritage Minister congratulates Killarney Town on coming 1st in Tidy Towns Competition.

Killarney has been declared the cleanest town in Ireland in the Tidy Towns Awards 2011 - Deenihan 

Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, today (Monday 5


September, 2011) welcomed the announcement by his colleague Phil Hogan, Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government that Killarney has secured the title of overall winner of the Tidy Towns Awards 2011. The competition involves participating areas being rated on all aspects of their local environment and prizes awarded to the best under many different categories.

Minister Deenihan said that the business people of Killarney and the various voluntary groups who on a daily basis endeavour to keep Killarney clean deserve this recognition.

Minister Deenihan also said: "When I am in the town, I see at first-hand how conscientious and diligent local people are in keeping their own business and street area clean. There is a sense of personal pride emanating from the people of Killarney and this is reflected in the hard work and dedication they display when it comes to keeping Killarney clear of unsightly buildings and litter on their streets. Additionally, the floral displays throughout the town are also further evidence if any was needed of just why Killarney has taken first place today. The fact that Killarney has been recognised by Tidy Towns is a testament to the diligence and dedication of every Killarney resident who takes pride in the appearance and up keep of their community." "With Killarney taking the title this year, building on the success of Sneem in 1987 and Kenmare in 2000, Kerry as a county clearly has the template to create areas which make all of us proud to live and work in. The overall winner in the Tidy Town competition is an accolade which is justly deserved by Killarney people" added the Minister.