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Infra –Éireann – Ireland’s entry at Venice Architectural Biennale 2014

Friday, 9th May, 2014: The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan T.D., today announced details of Ireland’s participation at the 14th International Architecture Biennale Exhibition in Venice this June.

Busáras, Dublin was chosen as the location for this announcement as it is an iconic building of the past century and honours the memory of the recently deceased artist Patrick Scott, who worked on this build as a young architect and is generally accredited with the design of the mosaics on the cantilever style roof terrace.

Ireland’s entry for the 2014 exhibition has been commissioned and curated by John McLaughlin and Gary Boyd. The theme of La Biennale 2014 ‘Absorbing Modernism’ invites countries to look at the interaction between global modernisation on the one hand and local architectural cultures on the other.

Ireland’s presentation 'Infra Éireann – Making Ireland Modern 1914 – 2014' chronicles the iconic and landmark structures which have formed the backdrop to an emerging, and developing Irish nation. Presenting landmark infrastructure in Ireland, on a decade by decade basis over the last one hundred years, it simultaneously captures the story of the Irish nation-building.

Speaking at the launch, Minster Deenihan said:

“Contemporary Irish architecture has a global identity and reach. This exhibition, ‘Infra – Éireann’, provides a wonderful overview of the last 100 years of architectural development within Ireland. By highlighting iconic buildings such as the Ronald Tallon designed RTÉ Studios at Donnybrook, the Roseleven Telephone Exchange in Athlone by Noel Dowley, and the designing of bridges, interchanges and roads by Grafton architects, this exhibition tells the story of an Ireland emerging from the past and the foundation of the State, to the present day.”

The International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia - is the world’s most important international showcase for architecture and represents a unique opportunity to present and promote the strength of Irish architecture to a world-wide audience.

Ireland at Venice, an initiative of Culture Ireland of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in partnership with the Arts Council, aims to extend a worldwide awareness of the best of Irish architecture and increase opportunities for Irish architects abroad.

As well as serving as a global showcase for architecture, the Biennale allows Irish architects engage with international audiences, showcase their work, and influence future trends. Recent figures for the architectural biennale show that in excess of 178,000 visitors, including thousands of students from around the world visit the Biennale. The Biennale runs from 7th June 2014 to 23rd November, 2014.

John McLaughlin added:

“Infra-Éireann looks back at the role of Irish architects in the design of everyday infrastructures such as hospitals, schools, roads and bus stations. It highlights the way that these architects contributed to the making of the cultural identity of modern Ireland, and it looks forward to the emerging field of data and the role that the profession can play in the ongoing absorption of modernity under globalisation.”

Ireland at Venice exhibition will be presented in the Arsenale in an area which attracts a high footfall and is a strategic location for visitors. The presentation will also be available online through in order to access the widest possible audiences.

Audiences at home will have the chance to experience this informative and exciting exhibition - Infra Éireann when it undertakes a national tour in 2015 on its return from Venice. The Irish tour of Ireland at Venice 2014 will be supported by the Arts Council as part of its commitment to promote architecture to Irish audiences.


Photography available from Naoise Culhane

Telephone: +35387297973
