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Minister Coveney attends informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers to discuss North Korea, the Middle East Peace Process, and countering radicalisation and extremism

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Simon Coveney T.D., will attend an informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers hosted by the Estonian Presidency in Tallinn on 7–8 September.

Ahead of the meeting Minister Coveney stated:

“This meeting is an important opportunity for EU Ministers to hold informal discussions on the global developments, and on how the EU can engage effectively on the foreign policy challenges facing us.

We will discuss recent developments in North Korea. The deterioration there, including the latest nuclear test, is a matter of grave concern for Ireland and is a major threat to peace and security in the region and beyond. It represents a serious challenge to international efforts to advance global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. North Korea should immediately cease all nuclear weapons testing and re-engage with the Six Party Talks on denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

This meeting also provides a valuable opportunity for Ministers to consider how the EU can work to reinvigorate the Middle East Peace Process, which is a foreign policy priority for Ireland. I look forward to an exchange of views with my EU counterparts on this issue.”

In addition, EU Foreign Ministers will meet with the Foreign Ministers of the EU candidate countries to discuss how to improve cooperation on preventing and counteracting radicalisation and violent extremism. They will also meet with Foreign Ministers of the Eastern Partnership countries to consider the future development of the relationship between the Eastern Partners and the EU.