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Minister Flanagan Announces €2 million Funding for International Committee of the Red Cross

At a Press Conference held today in Iveagh House, following his meeting with President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Peter Maurer, Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD, announced €2 million in core funding to the ICRC to assist them in continuing to deliver their critical work around the world.

Speaking at the Press Conference, Minister Flanagan said:

“I am delighted to welcome the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Peter Maurer, to Dublin.

“The ICRC is a critically important humanitarian partner for Ireland, operating as it does in some of the most difficult crisis environments in the world. During my meeting with President Maurer this afternoon, we discussed a wide range of issues including the situation on the ground in Syria and other humanitarian crises, as well as ICRC’s work on disarmament and compliance with International Humanitarian Law.

“My Department supports the ICRC in all of these areas of work and I am very pleased to announce a further €2 million in core funding to the ICRC to assist them in continuing to deliver their critical work around the world. This will bring Ireland’s funding to the ICRC to €14m in 2016.

“I continue to be impressed by the ICRC’s success in getting aid to those in need around the world. The unique nature of the ICRC means that they can get access where other UN agencies and international NGOs cannot, including to populations under siege in appalling conditions in countries like Syria.

“The scale of humanitarian emergencies in the world today is unprecedented.

“The Syria crisis is the largest humanitarian crisis ever seen and has driven a huge number of Syrian citizens from their homes and leaving others without access to food or water. Ireland has provided over €62 million in humanitarian assistance to the Syria crisis since 2012, with €20 million provided in 2016 to date.

“The news from East Aleppo over the last few days that the last hospital serving residents has been closed under heavy bombardment is deeply disturbing. The destruction of hospitals and schools, and other civilian sites, compounds the misery for the men, women and children caught up in war.

“The current situation in Nigeria is equally distressing. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates that 14 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. Ireland and our EU partners are providing significant humanitarian assistance.

“So far in 2016, Ireland has provided €3 million in direct response to the crisis in the region through our NGO and UN partners, as well as providing emergency relief supplies and Rapid Responders deployed under the Rapid Response Initiative. Our Ambassador to Nigeria recently visited Borno State where he saw the difficult conditions in a number of camps for displaced people.

“The Geneva Convention protects civilians but it is increasingly being disregarded in conflicts. The protection of civilians through International Humanitarian Law is of huge concern for Ireland and it is an important area of cooperation with the ICRC.

“By the end of the year, Ireland will have provided €14 million in humanitarian funding to the ICRC in 2016, including €9.5m in core funding and €3.5m in earmarked funding to Syria, South Sudan and Nigeria. This brings to almost €100 million the total funding from Ireland to the ICRC since 2006. Working with partners like the ICRC enables our funding to reach those most in need as quickly and effectively as possible.

“The visit of President Maurer will enhance the strong and productive relationship between Ireland and the ICRC in the years to come across all of our policy objectives, including humanitarian assistance, international humanitarian law and disarmament.

"I look forward to President Maurer’s Casement Lecture this evening, as part of the Iveagh House Commemorations lecture series, when he will speak about the difficult work undertaken by the ICRC and what they are doing to assist those in need in the worsening humanitarian crises worldwide.”