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Minister Dr James Reilly to visit China to promote health cooperation

The Minister for Health Dr James Reilly will, next week, visit China at the

invitation of Mr Chen Zhu, the Minister of Health of the People’s Republic

of China. Dr Reilly has accepted Minister Chen Zhu’s invitation to speak at

a major conference in Beijing. The week long visit, against the background

of developing Sino-Irish relations, will also involve a range of Irish

medical institutions and the National University of Ireland Galway.

Minister Reilly and Minister Chen Zhu will take the opportunity to sign a

renewed Memorandum of Understanding between Ireland and China on

cooperation in the health sector. Minister Reilly will also witness the

signings of Memoranda of Understanding involving NUIG based Network of

Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB) and two Chinese bodies.

Minister Reilly will be a keynote speaker at the China Health Forum in

Beijing. Established in 2010, the Forum brings together senior health

administrators, health institution executives, representatives from health

industry, experts and scholars. This year, the Forum will focus on health

care reform, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and

sustainable health development. ( See

Among the groups taking part in the trip will be the Royal College of

Surgeons Ireland, the Royal College of Physicians Ireland, An Bord

Altranais and the Irish College of General Practitioners. As contributors

to the China-Ireland Workshop in Beijing the visit will offer the groups

significant opportunities for boosting Irish/Chinese cooperation and

collaboration in the health sectors in each country.

Commenting on the visit, Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore said that “Coming after the

February visit of the Chinese Vice President, Mr Xi Jinping to Ireland and

the visit of the Taoiseach to China in March, Minister Reilly’s visit will

be an opportunity to add further impetus to the development of the broad

bilateral relationship between China and Ireland, specifically in the

health sector”.

The itinerary also includes visits to Beijing Children’s Hospital, TEDA

International Cardiovascular Hospital, a community health centre and Peking

Union Medical College Hospital. The Minister will conclude the trip with a

visit to Yanda International Healthcare City.

Note to Editors

The delegation accompanying the Minister includes representatives of the

following bodies:

· Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

· Irish Medicines Board

· Irish College of General Practitioners

· An Bord Altranais

· Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

· National University of Ireland, Galway

· The IHeed Institute

· Irish Medical and Surgical Trade Association