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Minister announces changes in role of the NTPF to support the Special Delivery Unit

The Minister for Health Dr James Reilly T.D. today (28 July, 2011)

announced changes in the role of the National Treatment Purchase Fund which

will take place with immediate effect.

These changes are another stage in the implementation of the Government’s

health reform agenda and follow on from the establishment of the Special

Delivery Unit.

There are main three changes involved:

(a) all public hospitals are being instructed to ensure they have

no patients waiting more than 12 months by the end of the year;

(b) the NTPF will target particular backlogs rather than routinely

accept referrals of patients waiting over 3 months; and

(c) the requirement that the NTPF purchase 90% of treatments in the

private sector is being ended.

‘When I announced the setting up of the SDU I said that the role of the

NTPF would be changed to support the mission of the new Unit. The SDU led

by Dr Martin Connor is already putting systems in place to track, monitor

and manage patient flows through the hospital system. I intend that the

resources of the NTPF, and by that I mean not just financial resources but

also its data systems and highly trained and experienced staff, will now be

fully aligned with the SDU’ the Minister said.

The NTPF is entering a transition phase. It will continue to fund patient

treatments but will be shifting its focus to target waiting lists more

strategically, to deliver more treatments for the funds provided and to

incentivise hospitals to manage their lists proactively in the interests of


The SDU is carrying out a detailed analysis of the management of elective

and non-elective care. However, it is already clear that individual

hospitals can do more to reduce maximum waiting times for their patients.

‘It is unacceptable that hospitals leave some patients on waiting lists

for very long periods of time safe in the knowledge that the NTPF will

eventually pick up the tab. I will no longer tolerate this attitude to

patients – hospitals need to become accountable for the listing decisions

of their surgeons. As part of the changes I am announcing today I am

requiring all hospitals to ensure that they have no patient listed as

waiting over 12 months for treatment by the end of the year. Where they

fail to do so, the NTPF will source the necessary treatments and the

hospitals’ budgets will be reduced by a corresponding amount in 2012’ the

Minister said.

I want a system where the patient and taxpayer get the greatest return on

scarce resources consistent with quality and safety. I am ending the

requirement that the NTPF purchase 90% of treatments in the private sector.

The NTPF will purchase treatments wherever it gets the best value in either

the public or the private sector. I want the NTPF to drive a hard bargain

on behalf of patients without regard to the location of the treatment’ the

Minister said.

The SDU will be introducing a more focussed strategy to target treatments

for patients. This will require new data systems, a new accountability

framework and a sustained focus by clinical and management leaders in

hospitals to reduce the lists from their present level and prevent them

building up again. As part of these changes, the Minister has decided that

for the remainder of this year the NTPF will no longer routinely accept

referrals for those patients waiting over 3 months as at present. It will

still provide treatments for patients but will target specific backlogs.

Follow up treatments for existing patients will be provided as is the

normal practice.

The NTPF and the SDU are already working in close collaboration. The NTPF

capability will be a core part of the SDU’s performance management role in

holding public hospitals to account. The changes being announced today lay

the foundation for this transformation, and introduce the concept of

rigorously enforced maximum waiting times. These maximum waits will be

systematically reduced in the coming months and years to deliver the goal

of eliminating excessive waiting lists from the Ireland health economy,