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Minister Coveney Launches AEOS for 2011

Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney today launched the Agri-Environment Options Scheme 2011. The scheme pays farmers who undertake identifiable and verifiable enviromental measures.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Coveney said...

I am delighted to be in a position to announce a new AEOS scheme for 2011, despite the challenging budgetary constraints within my Department.  In recent weeks, we have worked hard with the Department of Finance to get approval for the scheme announced today. This AEOS scheme will provide the majority of farmers coming out of REPS with an opportunity to enter a new agri-environment scheme. There will be an expenditure limit of €25 million per annum on this scheme and a maximum payment to farmers of €4,000 per annum.  These limits are required in order to adhere to the expenditure ceilings set out in the National Recovery Plan 2011-2014.

The Minister continued...

farmers will continue to be paid to undertake identifiable and verifiable environmental measures under a scheme which builds on the success of both the Rural Environment Protection Scheme and the inaugural Agri-Environment Options Scheme. These schemes combined, currently have approximately 60,000 participating farmers

I believe that the scheme will be attractive to farmers while also delivering real, worthwhile environmental benefits.  From that point of view, I am very pleased to announce the re-opening of the scheme again this year

You can read the full press release here