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Minister Perry launches Safe Livestock Handling DVD at National Ploughing Championships

Minister for Small Business, John Perry T.D., today (Tuesday) launched a Safe Handling of Cattle DVD at the Health and Safety Authority (HAS) and Farm Safety Partnership exhibit at the National Ploughing Championships.

The DVD was produced by the Health and Safety Authority and Teagasc, in conjunction with the Livestock Safety Committee of the Farm Safety Partnership and with the support of FBD insurance.

Over the last 10 years up to 15% of all fatal accidents in Agriculture have involved livestock and Teagasc research indicates that 65% of all farm injuries are livestock related principally where animals were being herded or handled by farmers in farmyards or buildings.

Speaking at the launch Minister Perry said:

“I am well aware of the tragedy, suffering and loss associated with fatal and serious farm injury.

“The agriculture sector is a key sector in driving Ireland’s economic recovery and in leading the country out of recession. Increased growth in agriculture means increased activities on farms and presents a critical need for farmers to put safety first on the farm.

“By continuously talking about and being aware of farm safety we can together bring about a change of culture and farmer thinking in this area.

“Farmers should take advantage of and use the excellent guidance now available from the Health and Safety Authority. I appeal to farmers to give farm health and safety including safety with livestock the attention it


Martin O’Halloran, CEO of the HSA stated that livestock-related deaths and injuries can be reduced by improving livestock handling techniques.

“The pattern of increased injuries when dealing with cattle is attributable to inadequate facilities, less contact by farmers with animals and to inadequate attention being given to breeding for docility. By addressing these issues the risks of working with cattle are greatly reduced”

The Safe Handling of Cattle DVD includes sections on Handling Facilities; Safe Handling at Calving; Loading of Livestock; Safety with Stock and Beef Bulls and Breeding for Docility based on the work of ICBF.

The DVD demonstrates the Temple Grandin principles of cattle handling. Professor Temple Grandin from Colorado State University is the leading animal behaviour scientist in the world. Her techniques have revolutionised cattle handling world-wide and the DVD allows farmers to view her techniques in an Irish context for the first time.

The content also draws on knowledge and experience of cattle farmers and from participation by Ireland in a European Union Leonardo da Vinci livestock Safety research.

Teagasc Director, Gerry Boyle stated, “Research conducted as part of the project showed that the skill of farmers in understanding animal behaviour has a huge bearing on both handler safety as well as on animal welfare.”

The DVD will be available for use at Teagasc and Agricultural Consultant Training Courses and Advisory meetings. It will also be shown at livestock marts by Farm T.V. and will be available to download from the Health and Safety Authority and Teagasc Web sites.