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Minister Shatter announces senior Garda appointments

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, today announced the appointment by the Government of 4 Chief Superintendents and 14 Superintendents in An Garda Síochána.

Speaking after the Cabinet meeting the Minster said "This development reflects the strong determination of the Government, even in these difficult times, to support the Garda Síochána in the fight against crime. I am very pleased that the Government today agreed with my request, sanctioned by my colleague the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, to make these senior Garda appointments and to ensure that strength at management is kept to the highest possible level."

The appointments were made by the Government following a competitive selection process in accordance with the statutory regulations governing promotions in the force.

They are in addition to the promotion of Gardaí and Sergeants to 82 Sergeant and 34 Inspector positions that were made by the Commissioner on 28th March 2013.

All of these appointments and promotions are made within agreed limits following extensive discussions between the Minister, the Minster for Public Expenditure and Reform and the Garda Commissioner.

The Minister added that "The agreement that has been reached will enable the strength of the senior and supervisory ranks to be maintained at these new levels, so that any further vacancies within those levels will be promptly filled. This will contribute significantly towards the maintenance of the operational capacity and effectiveness of the Garda Síochána."

The allocation of all those promoted and appointed to their respective Divisions and Districts is a matter for the Commissioner and his senior management team.

The Minster concluded by saying that "I would like to congratulate all those who have been promoted and to wish them the very best in their new positions. I can assure them and all Gardaí that, despite the economic difficulties, we will continue to resource the Garda Síochána to the fullest extent possible."

30 April 2013



Note for Editors:


All promotions and appointments in the Garda Síochána are made following competitive interviews held in accordance with the Garda Síochána (Promotions) Regulations, 2006. Please see link to Regulations here: