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Tánaiste urges calm following violence directed at elected representatives in Northern Ireland

I condemn the violence last night directed against elected representatives of the Alliance party, the destruction and damage caused to Alliance party offices and the assaults directed at PSNI officers.

Such violent attacks on a democratic party are an attack on democracy itself. They are reprehensible and have no place in a civilised society.

Northern Ireland has made great progress to become a society governed by the rule of law, respect for human life and respect for equality and diversity. Last night’s violence is a throwback to dark days in the past and will be resisted by all people committed to true reconciliation.

The situation now demands calm.

I have spoken to David Ford to convey our support both for the PSNI and for those members of his party who have had to endure assaults on themselves, their families and their property.

The Irish Government will do all in its power to support the political leaders in Northern Ireland as they work to move beyond the current tensions and renewed political violence.