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Shatter announces Government’s nominees for Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC)

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter, T.D., today announced that the Government has nominated the following persons to be members of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission:

· Mr. Simon O’Brien (Chairperson), currently Deputy Chief Inspector of the Garda Inspectorate

· Ms. Carmel Foley, a Civil Servant currently serving as a Commissioner in GSOC who is to be re-appointed for a second term

· Mr. Kieran Fitzgerald, a Civil Servant currently Head of Communications and Research at GSOC

Minister Shatter made the appointments after seeking expressions of interest from members of the public through the Public Appointments Service and Department of Justice & Equality websites.

The Minister said "I am pleased to oversee the appointment of persons with such a range of skills to this important role. The Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission is a vital part of our policing architecture. The existence of an independent, impartial and fair body to investigate complaints of misconduct by members of the Gardaí strengthens public faith in our police force."

The Minister continued "Through his role in the Garda Inspectorate and his vast experience as a Senior Police Officer in the London Met, Simon O’Brien will bring a wealth of policing knowledge to the Ombudsman Commission. Carmel Foley is a highly respected public servant who has previously held other public interest roles such as Director of Consumer Affairs. Her re-appointment to the Commission for a second term will provide valuable continuity for the Commission. Kieran Fitzgerald’s experience in the Commission will add to that continuity, and his background in communications will help the Commission in continuing to interact effectively with the Garda Síochána and all those served by the Commission".

As required by the Garda Síochána Act 2005, the names of the nominees will now go to both Houses of the Oireachtas for approval before formal appointment by the President. It is intended that the new Ombudsman Commissioners will take up office with effect from 13th December.


The Minister also thanked the outgoing Commissioners for their dedicated service. Two of the existing Commissioners, Ms Carmel Foley and Mr Conor Brady have served a full six year term while Mr Dermot Gallagher became chairperson in 2009. The Minister concluded" I especially want to thank Dermot Gallagher and Conor Brady for making an outstanding contribution to the development of the Ombudsman Commission in its early years. Their work has helped establish the Commission as a respected and effective body which is well placed to continue its goods work and to retain the trust of both Gardaí and the public ".