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Statement by Mr. Alex White T.D., Minister of State for Primary Care: Update on consultation Process on new GP Contract to facilitate the introduction of free GP care for all children aged under six

Minister of State for Primary Care Alex White today thanked the many groups and individuals who participated in the public consultation process relating to the content and scope of a new GP contract to underpin the provision of GP care, free at the point of use, for all children aged under six years of age.

Almost 300 submissions were received in advance of the closing date on Friday last and these submissions are now being examined by the HSE and the Department of Health.

Minister White said “I wish to reiterate that the document which has been put out for consultation is a draft. I have no doubt that there will be changes to the text following the consultation process. In particular, I will be writing to the GPs’ representative bodies inviting them to meet with the Department of Health and the HSE for detailed discussions on the scope and content of the draft contract. This will afford them the fullest opportunity to raise any and all issues which they may have regarding the draft contact and indeed to make their own proposals as to how it may be improved.”

The Minister also confirmed that he will respond this week to separate correspondence from the IMO regarding the process of engagement with them in relation to the draft contract.