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Taoiseach Enda Kenny to meet with Spanish Prime Minister Mario Rajoy

Taoiseach Enda Kenny will travel to Granada in Spain on April 28 for a meeting with Prime Minister Rajoy.

Discussions between the two leaders are expected to focus on major EU and Presidency agenda items including: the Multi-annual Financial Framework negotiations; Economic and Monetary Union, including progress towards banking union; trade, particularly prospects for an EU/US Trade agreement; and progressing the Single Market agenda.

The Taoiseach will also use the opportunity to update Prime Minister Rajoy on progress made during the Irish Presidency and on ambitions for the rest of our term.

While in Granada, the Taoiseach will also meet with German Finance Minister Schauble, and will deliver a keynote speech entitled "Rebuilding Europe: How should, how can the EU move on after the crisis?" at a roundtable hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS).

Later on 29 April, the Taoiseach will travel to Lisbon for a meeting with Prime Minister Coelho of Portugal, where discussions are likely to focus on MFF negotiations; developments in the euro area; the economic situation in both countries; and Ireland's Presidency of the EU.