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The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence welcomes Cabinet decision to opt in to EU Proposal for a Regulation on Mutual Recognition of Protective Measures

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter, T.D. today

welcomed the decision by the Government to seek the approval of both Houses

of the Oireachtas to opt in to the EU proposal for a Regulation on Mutual

Recognition of Protective Measures (COM(2011)276), published by the

European Commission on 18 May, 2011.

The purpose of the proposed Regulation is to ensure that where a person is

at risk in a member state and is given legal protection by the courts in

that member state, the protective measure is recognised when the person

travels to another member state. Such protective measures include, in

particular, the types of protection afforded in Ireland to victims of

domestic violence who obtain either a safety or barring order.

Announcing the decision Minister Shatter said "I am delighted the

Government has approved my proposal to formally bring a motion before the

Oireachtas on this issue. The Regulation will ensure that people at risk of

domestic violence can be confident that they continue to be legally

protected from their aggressors when abroad in other EU states for work or

for holidays. Opting in at this early stage will allow Ireland to strongly

influence the final shape of the Regulation in negotiations and ensure that

we are at the forefront in tackling domestic violence."

Opting in means that Irish citizens and residents who have been subjected

to or at serious risk of domestic violence can benefit from continued legal

protection if they travel to another member state. Likewise, people

travelling here from another member state can be confident that the Gardaí

are empowered to act on foot of protective measures obtained in other

member states.