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Bike your way to school - Minister Kelly marks National Cycle to School Day

Public Transport Minister, Alan Kelly, cycled with almost 500 students today as part of ‘National Cycle to School’ Day. The Minister joined students of Carysfort NS, Blackrock, Dublin in a morning cycle to mark the day, a major part of National Bike Week.

The aim of cycle on Wednesday is to encourage all national schools to dedicate at least one day, or the entire week, to the bicycle and is part of An Taisce’s national Green-Schools Travel programme. To date, over 1400 primary and secondary schools countrywide have or are currently taking part in the Green-Schools Travel programme.

"Cycling is a great way to encourage children to exercise and no better way to do so than to cycle to school," stated Minister Kelly.

"Cycling is good for your health, it’s cheap and good for the environment so I would encourage both parents and children alike to take advantage of the good weather and take out the bike this week. National Bike Week has never been stronger and cycling in Ireland is going from strength to strength as emphasised here by Carysfort National School." added Minister Kelly.

Carysfort NS registered with An Taisce’s Green-Schools programme in 1999 and have since been awarded five Green Flags, the most recent for their participation in the Green Homes programme which they received at an award ceremony in Croke Park in May. With 500 pupils and a large catchment area, Carysfort NS rose to the challenge of introducing and encouraging sustainable travel in the school and wider community.

Minister Kelly said: I’m delighted to be here in Blackrock to mark national Cycle on Wednesday as part of Bike Week 2013. To. The ultimate aim of the programme is to encourage students, parents and teachers to walk, cycle, Park ‘n’ Stride, use public transport or car pool instead of using the private car on the school run. In May 2013 a total of 181 schools from right across Ireland were awarded the Green Flag for Travel."

"We have had a fantastic response to the wide range of events taking place this week as part of Ireland’s biggest ever Bike Week and national Cycle to School day is no different. I want to congratulate and commend Carysfort national school students, parents and teachers for getting involved. There is a still a huge range of cycling events, workshops and fun activities throughout Bike Week 2013 (including at lunchtime today, a series of lunchtime cycles take place throughout the country). I hope as many people as possible will get out and enjoy these activities and details are available on"