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IASS Dispute – Statement by the Expert Panel

The Expert Panel, established to carry out an urgent investigation of how a final resolution of the industrial relations issues relating to the Irish Airlines Superannuation Scheme (IASS) can be secured, has today given an update to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Ibec and Congress on progress to date. The Panel confirmed that:

· It is continuing to concentrate its efforts on engagement with DAA, Aer Lingus and the trade unions involved on critical issues which are being explored by the Panel with the parties through an outline of positions from the employers and the development of responses now being coordinated through Congress on behalf of the unions.

· It will be continuing its engagement with the parties over the coming weeks to complete its investigation of how a final resolution of the complex industrial relations issues concerning the IASS can be achieved.

· These discussions are taking place in the context of the separate Labour Court Recommendations in May 2013 in the cases of DAA and Aer Lingus, the IASS Trustee Proposal in February 2014 and the stated position of the parties.

The Panel will report back to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Ibec and Congress in early May.

Brendan McGinty, Peter McLoone, Laura Gallagher, Eugene McMahon

Members of the Expert Panel