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Minister Varadkar publishes 2012 progress report for Transport, Tourism & Sport

Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar has published an end-of-year report for his Department which shows progress in 14 of the 15 priority areas for 2012.

"At the start of the year I set out 15 major priorities for my Department in 2012. These included one over-arching priority – to bring the Department in on budget – along with two priorities in sport, two in tourism, and ten in transport including road safety, aviation and maritime transport.

"I am pleased to report that nine of these priorities have been fully achieved, two of which were exceeded. Another five were partially or substantially achieved. One was not met but will be advanced in 2013.

"2012 was an extremely busy year for the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. Highlights and successes included the launch and promotion of The Gathering, securing planning approval and Government backing for the Cross City Luas, a new vision and full independence for the Shannon Airport of the future, improvements to the public transport experience through the use of new technology, and the re-launch of the Sports Capital programme.

"Road safety continued to improve although the number of people killed or injured remains too high. Despite serious financial problems emerging in CIE requiring additional subvention, the Department was able to come in on budget and made its contribution to reducing the budget deficit.

"While air access was improved and we held on to the growth achieved in 2011, the number of visitors coming to Ireland was flat, which was disappointing. Nevertheless, events such as the Volvo Ocean Race, Tall Ships Festival and the Notre-Dame vs. Navy American college football game produced a strong year in some regions, and 2012 will probably record an increase in holidaymakers overall (full statistics available next year). It was also a wonderful year for sport, as so many successes like the Olympics and Paralympics lifted national morale and gave us great memories.

"A number of objectives are still on-going and will be further advanced in the New Year. These include the publication of the Clamping Bill, enactment of the Taxi Bill, further work at the National Sports Campus, publication of the new ports policy and development of a new aviation policy. And of course, 2013 will be the year of The Gathering."


1. Implementing planned savings and bringing the Department in on budget at the end of 2012 in order to help the Government to meet definite targets.

STATUS: DONE despite financial problems in CIE requiring additional subvention, the Department came in on budget.


2.Minister Ring to award a new round of the Sports Capital grants to improve and repair local facilities, as part of the long-awaited return of Sports Capital funding.


3.Advance the National Sports Campus by beginning work on Sports HQ.

STATUS: EXCEEDED Sports HQ almost complete and Pentathlon/Equestrian training facilities under construction.


4.Drive preparations for the Gathering 2013, Ireland’s biggest ever tourism initiative including the international launch of the initiative over St. Patrick’s Day 2012.



5. Aim to increase tourist visitor numbers by around 4.5% and increase air access to Ireland.

STATUS: PARTIAL PROGRESS Air access and international passenger numbers increased marginally but the 4.5% increase in tourist visitor numbers will not be met with numbers expected to be flat or slightly up.


6.Begin work on new strategic road projects including the N11 (Arklow to Rathnew), N5 (Ballaghaderreen) and the N7 (Newlands Cross) – to improve journey times and economic competitiveness. Also to launch a special one-off programme to target accident black spots and bad bends on the national road network.

STATUS: PARTIAL PROGRESS N5 (Ballaghaderreen) now under construction and minor road safety improvement scheme on National Roads done. N11 (Arklow to Rathnew) and N7 (Newlands Cross) have not commenced construction.

7. Publish legislation to regulate the clamping of vehicles on privately owned land.

STATUS: NOT DONE The Oireachtas Transport Committee has considered the matter in detail. However, Constitutional issues have delayed drafting. The Bill is now expected to be published in the first quarter of 2013.

8. Build on progress made in 2011 on road safety by introducing further measures such as improved roadworthiness testing for commercial vehicles, further enhancement of the penalty points system, and plastic card driving licences, among other measures.

STATUS: DONE Road fatalities have fallen further this year. Assuming no major increase in road fatalities, 2012 should be the safest since records began in the 1950s. The first plastic credit- card-style licences will be issued on January 19th.

9. Take initial steps to achieve greater competition in the bus market, and separate railway ownership from operation in order to comply with EU law.

STATUS: PARTIAL AND ONGOING The National Transport Authority report on PSO market competition was initially considered by Cabinet Sub-Committee in October 2012 and significant progress was made on creation of infrastructure and operations in Irish Rail.

10. Publication of Taxi Review Group Report by Minister Kelly, and implementation of its key findings.

STATUS: PARTIAL AND ONGOING Taxi Review published and Taxi Bill published in December 2012.

11. The continued roll-out of the Leap Card in Dublin and the advancement of real-time technologies and services.


12. Publication and implementation of plan to integrate local transport services.

STATUS: PARTIAL AND ONGOING Plan published and implementation has commenced.

13. Decide on the future structure and role of the State airports (Dublin, Cork and Shannon).

STATUS: EXCEEDED Shannon will become an independent State airport on December 31st.

14. Take further steps on smarter travel and carbon reduction programme to facilitate more walking and public transport journeys.

STATUS: DONE In line with Ministerial priorities on Sustainable Travel, very significant progress was made with new programmes launched and substantial expenditure incurred at local levels.

15. Develop a new ports policy

STATUS: DONE Draft ports policy prepared and considered by Cabinet sub-committee. Due before Cabinet in January.
