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Ministers Varadkar & Kelly welcome LRC mediation in Bus Eireann dispute

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar and Minister of State for Public Transport Alan Kelly have welcomed the offer of mediation by the Labour Relations Commission in the Bus Éireann dispute.

Minister Varadkar said:

This is a positive development, and I welcome the fact that both parties have entered further discussions. All sides need to work together to secure the future of services and jobs at Bus Éireann, and I am glad to see this happening. I encourage both parties to reach a speedy resolution. This will be the third time that the LRC has mediated in this dispute. It is essential for the survival of Bus Éireann that on this occasion an agreement is reached and implemented quickly.

Minister Kelly said:

This is a welcome development and can create the space for the company to be saved. The losses are severe and Bus Éireann’s future viability is under threat. This is one of the most serious situations ever facing the public transport system in the history of the State. This is not easy for any side, workers or management. I would encourage all sides to use this time wisely so that the company’s financial situation is addressed and the public have access to transport.