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Varadkar welcomes appointment of Kevin Toland as DAA

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Leo Varadkar has welcomed the appointment of Kevin Toland as Chief Executive Officer of the Dublin Airport Authority by the company’s board.

"I want to congratulate Mr Toland on being appointed as the new CEO of the Dublin Airport Authority. I know he is a man of great expertise and experience and I am delighted that he has been selected to lead the company into the future.

"His appointment is being made at a very important juncture in the history of the DAA. It is a huge boost for the DAA to have been able to secure an international candidate of such standing. A thriving aviation sector is crucial for Ireland’s recovery given our position as a small, open island economy. This in turn requires our major airports to be profitable so that they can provide competitive air access to Ireland and finance infrastructure improvements.

"For some years now, the DAA has been facing a very difficult business environment with significant falls in passenger traffic at the three State airports. Mr Toland’s initial challenge will be to deal with that situation and bring the company back to healthy growth.

"Mr Toland will face many other challenges in his role as CEO of this very important State company. I wish him all the best in his endeavours."