Published on Monday3rdFebruary2014

25 State bodies come together for free one-stop-shop events for small businesses


Small Business Minister, John Perry, today launched a series of one-stop-shop events for existing and potential entrepreneurs called ‘Taking Care of Business’.

Attending one of these free half-day events will allow people thinking of starting a business and existing small business owners and managers to find out about what advice and supports are available from across the public sector and to meet experts from a broad range of public bodies in an informal setting.

There will be two separate strands running concurrently with presentations from State bodies in one area and information stands manned by staff from these bodies in a separate area. The concise presentations will focus on assistance available to help entrepreneurs develop their businesses as well as key regulatory requirements. Experts will be available at the information stands to speak directly to attendees and answer questions throughout the event.

Minister Perry said:

’Taking Care of Business’ is part of a wider effort to communicate better with business and promote awareness and understanding of the full range of Government supports that are available for the SME sector. Two thirds of all new jobs come from start-up businesses in the first five years of their existence, so it is essential for Government to support new businesses in order to grow employment.

The 2014 ‘Taking Care of Business’ roadshow follows on from the successful 2013 pilot, which took place in Dublin in October last year. Following the pilot we received extremely positive feedback from attendees. This year ‘Taking Care of Business’ will again bring together 25 Government agencies for free half-day events in Limerick, Galway and Cork. These free events will provide local business start-ups and small businesses with the information they need on the extensive range of advice, grants and other supports that are on offer to SMEs from Government agencies, to help people start and grow their businesses.

The events will take place during the spring with the involvement of a range of Ministers as well as local and national figures from business:

Limerick, 11th March, Strand Hotel:

Opening remarks by Brian Hayes TD, Minister for Public Reform and the Office of Public Works

Helen O’Donnell - entrepreneur, Chairperson of Limerick Tidy Towns and Limerick Person of the Year 2012 - will chair one of the presentation sessions.

Galway, 25th March, Radisson Blu Hotel:

Opening remarks by Ciaran Cannon TD, Minister for Training and Skills

Declan Dooley - Managing Director of the Galway Independent and Vice President of Galway Chamber of Commerce - will chair a presentation session.

Cork, 1st April, Silver Springs Hotel:

Opening remarks by Sean Sherlock TD, Minister for Research and Innovation

Bobby Kerr - entrepreneur, businessman and founding ‘Dragon’ on RTE’s ‘Dragons Den’ will chair a presentation session.

A further ‘Taking Care of Business’ event will be held in the Printworks Conference Centre in Dublin Castle on October 16th.

To register for one of the regional events and for more details including the running order of presentations and the full list of State bodies attending, please visit


The twitter hashtag for the events is #TCOB14.

Read the full press release

