Published on Monday21stJuly2014

€500,000 in emergency funding for Gaza - Flanagan

Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan today announced funding of €500,000 for the United Nations’ emergency appeal for families affected by the devastating conflict in Gaza.

The funding will provide urgently-needed food, shelter and healthcare to thousands of families, many of whom have had to flee their homes.

Minister Flanagan said:

I totally condemn the major escalation in violence and civilian casualties which we are now witnessing on the ground in Gaza and Israel. The Irish Government has consistently called for an immediate ceasefire in order to avoid further loss of life and suffering. This is now more imperative than ever in light of the developments over the weekend. The people of Gaza and Israel have the right to live in peace and security and without the threat of indiscriminate violence.

I am extremely concerned and tomorrow I will meet EU Foreign Ministers in Brussels to discuss the conflict. Ireland is committed to working with our EU and international partners to achieve a diplomatic resolution to this crisis.

Read the full press release here.