Published on Friday14thFebruary2014

€50k available to help promote EU - Donohoe


European Affairs Minister Paschal Donohoe has today invited voluntary organisations, educational bodies, and civil society groups to apply for funding under the Department of the Taoiseach’s Communicating Europe Initiative (CEI). The initiative aims to support projects that will help improve the quality and accessibility of public information on European issues and promote an understanding and awareness of the European Union.

€50,000 has been made available under the scheme and projects which focus on secondary schools and the 18-25 age group will have the greatest chance of success.

Minister Donohoe said:

As the EU grows and develops, there is a greater onus to ensure that the gap between the Union and the citizen is minimized. Raising awareness and promoting an understanding of the EU is the best way of doing that.

These funds are being made available for voluntary organization and civil society groups which, through their work in their communities, can deepen public awareness of the role that the European Union plays in our daily lives. By improving the quality and accessibility of public information on European issues, at local or national level, we can encourage greater participation by people in matters that directly affect them.

Promoting public awareness and knowledge about Ireland’s role in - and relationship with - the EU is a priority for me and the Government. Bringing this message to our young adults is an essential step in that process.

Any group with an interest in securing funding should apply before the closing date of Friday 7 March 2014.

Download the application form



Read the full press release

