Published on Thursday10thOctober2013

EU Career Ambassadors visit Government Buildings

Minister of State Pascal Donohoe with the EU Careers Ambassadors at Government Buildings today

Minister of State Pascal Donohoe with the EU Careers Ambassadors at Government Buildings today

EU Affairs Minister Paschal Donohoe today welcomed students from fifteen third level institutions to Government Buildings to discuss how best to encourage and support Irish graduates in pursuing career opportunities within the EU.

The students have all recently been nominated as EU Career Ambassadors by the European Personnel Selection Office (ESPO), the EU’s recruitment service.

Speaking after his meeting with the students, Minister of State Donohoe said:

Ireland’s prosperity is inextricably linked to our membership of the European Union, so it’s important that we remain at the heart of European decision making. Ensuring that our citizens are well represented within the staffing of the EU institutions is central to this aim.

For more information read the full press release here.