Published on Thursday17thJuly2014

Free GP care for under sixes a historic moment - Varadkar

Health Minister Leo Varadkar and Minister of State Kathleen Lynch have described the passing of the Health (General Practitioner Service) Bill 2014 by the Oireachtas as a historic moment which paves the way to provide GP care without fees for children under six.

Minister Varadkar said:

This Act is a significant step in the Government’s plan to provide universal health care, starting with access to General Practitioners without fees for children under six. This particular measure is the keystone of the Government’s policy in the area of primary care. We are shifting the focus of healthcare from hospitals to the community, and from treating illnesses to maintaining good health.

Additional funding of €37m was provided in Budget 2014 to fund this first phase. Providing access to a GP service without fees to all children aged five and under will mean that almost half of the population will have access to GP services without fees. 240,000 children that currently must pay to see a GP will benefit. Implementation is due to take place later in the year.

Read the full press release here.