Published on Wednesday21stDecember2011

Hogan visits Dogs Trust to announce signing of Dog Breeding Establishments Act

Environment Minister Phil Hogan today visited Dog's Trust in Dublin to mark the commencement of the Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010.  The Act will come into force on 1 January 2012.

Mr. Hogan welcomed the strong provisions of the Act, stating that these regulations would control the establishment and operation of dog breeding establishments across the country.

Owners and operators of all dog breeding establishments should strive to achieve the highest possible standards.  Breeders acknowledge that the welfare and performance of their dogs go hand in hand.  The Guidelines published alongside the legislation will enable people to see the standards that are required. The majority of dog breeding establishments in the country are well run and the owners and operators maintain high standards.  However, I am well aware of problems with a small number of establishments.  This legislation will deal with these operators, who seem to have no respect for the animals that they use for breeding purposes.

said Minister Hogan.  He went on to say that owners and operators of good quality establishments where dogs are well treated have absolutely nothing to fear from these regulations.

The Minister said that establishments will have a lead in time of six months to apply to their Local Authority to be included in the register of dog breeding establishments.  As with other dog control issues, Local Authorities will be responsible for the implementation of the legislation locally.

Dogs Trust is Irelands largest dog welfare charity and cares for 1,000 abandoned and unwanted dogs each year. To find out more information please visit

Read the full press release here.