Published on Friday18thMay2012

McEntee welcomes start to Official Strawberry Season

Minister of State Shane McEntee visited Pat Clarke’s strawberry farm in Stamullen, Co. Meath to sample some of his finest strawberries and witness exactly what is involved in producing one of the country’s most popular fruit crops.

This year, Irish strawberry growers will pick over 5,000 tonnes of top quality strawberries with the vast majority of these being picked between now and the end of August.

The Minister also took the opportunity to urge the public to check Country of Origin and look for the Bord Bia Quality Assurance logo each time they purchase strawberries, or any other fresh fruit and vegetables.

By seeking Irish quality assured produce we are supporting Irish producers, Irish jobs and making the strongest contribution to the Irish economy while also getting excellent value for money through purchase of high quality food that has been produced and delivered to the highest standards with minimal impact on the environment.

he said.

Read the full press release here.