Published on Friday22ndMarch2013

Minister Burton launches INTREO for Tallaght and opens new premises for Citizens Information Centre in Tallaght

Social Protection Minister, Joan Burton, pictured at the launch of INTREO for Tallaght

Social Protection Minister Joan Burton visited Tallaght today where she officially opened the latest of the Department’s INTREO offices at the Square. The Minister also officially opened the new premises for Tallaght Citizens Information at Hainault House.

Speaking at the launch of the Tallaght INTREO Centre, Minister Burton said:

Our priority under the Pathways to Work strategy is to ensure that new employment opportunities go to people currently on the Live Register. That is what INTREO is about. In the past, Ireland’s welfare system for jobseekers was characterised as being largely passive and providing benefits only. INTREO is pro-active, ensuring jobseekers get not just the income supports they need but also employment supports to help them on the path back to work, training or education.

Read the full press release

