Published on Friday15thJune2012

Minister Coveney and Vice Minister Wei of China sign protocol on quarantine facilities for the transit of Irish horses

Following on the successful trade mission of Minister Coveney to China in April, a second Chinese Vice Minister, Wei Chuanzhong, from the Chinese Inspection and Quarantine Service has visited Ireland this week, accompanied by a very senior delegation. The AQSIQ Ministry is the key player, along with the Ministry for Agriculture, in determining market access for agriculture-related products into China. His visit comes just three weeks after the visit of Vice Minister, Goa Hongbin from the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. There were significant market access developments during Vice Minister Wei’s visit to Ireland.

Minister Simon Coveney and Vice Minister Wei today signed a protocol agreeing detailed rules for the establishment, within Ireland, of quarantine facilities for the transit of Irish horses, direct from Ireland to China. This will facilitate the direct export of horses to China and reduce, significantly, the costs associated with such exports. It will greatly assist in developing this new Irish export market, for the Irish thoroughbred industry. Minister Coveney said that it is expected the first consignment of thoroughbred horses to China is to take place later this year under the new arrangements.

Read the full press release here.