Published on Friday14thOctober2011

Minister Deenihan launches Learning and Creativity 14th October 2011

(l-r) Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Leletu Busakwe, Parick Amodubello and Lee Stafford all from Larken Community College

Learning and Creativity at the National Museum of Ireland: Highlights how the National Museum of Ireland is an excellent learning resource – and a valued destination for students, teachers, parents, other educators and the wider education community.  

Commenting in advance of the launch, Minister Deenihan said

“the National Museum of Ireland in all four locations provides a tremendously rich educational resource. A visit to any of the locations presents a wealth of knowledge to the visitor be they student, teacher or parent. While learning remotely is a most valuable tool in today’s technology driven world, a personal visit to the museum will leave a lasting memory for all. The Learning Resource Room provides an atmosphere which is conducive to learning for everyone.”