Published on Friday23rdSeptember2011

Minister Deenihan supports Dublin Culture night 2011

Minister Jimmy Deenihan at the Revenue Museum, Dublin Castle today with Ciarán Pringle, Manager of the Revenue Museum, and Luke Smith, Curator of the Revenue Museum

Arts Minister Jimmy Deenihan today visited a range of venues which have opened their doors tonight for Dublin Culture Night 2011 in Dublin.

Culture Night will see museums, galleries, historic houses artist's studios and cultural centres open their doors to the public free of charge.

Looking forward to the all the events ahead Minister Deenihan added “Opening late into Friday night is a wonderful way of capturing a new audience who will sample some of the various cultural activities which abound in Dublin and no doubt will return again during the year for further visits. I would strongly encourage everyone to select a few venues close together where they can maximise their time and really benefit from Culture Night.”

For more information on Culture Night, go to

Read the full press release here.