Published on Thursday13thJune2013

People with disabilities must have access to work world - Minister Burton


Minister Joan Burton pictured with (from left), Mike Evans, EUSE, Christy Lynch, IASE and EUSE, Angela Kerins, Rehab Group and Margaret Haddock, president of the EUSE.

Minister Joan Burton pictured with (from left), Mike Evans, EUSE, Christy Lynch, IASE and EUSE, Angela Kerins, Rehab Group and Margaret Haddock, president of the EUSE.

Social Protection Minister Joan Burton was in Croke Park to officially open the European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE) conference, which is one of the biggest international gatherings examining the area of employment and disability.

Over 500 experts and delegates from 30 countries, including leading world experts, are meeting for three days for the conference, hosted by the Irish Association of Supported Employment (IASE) and sponsored by the Rehab Group.