Published on Wednesday23rdNovember2011

Perry presents Taoiseach with Report of Advisory Group on Small Business

Minister for State for Small Business John Perry today presented Taoiseach Enda Kenny with the Report of the Advisory Group for Small Business – "The Voice of Small Business – A Plan for Action".

Accepting the report, the Taoiseach said :

The Government recognises the challenges faced by small business and the contribution this diverse sector can make to economic recovery. This report "The Voice of Small Business" will provide a valuable input into Minister Bruton’s Jobs Strategy by setting out the collective views of small business,

Minister Perry said:

There are very good, practical and pragmatic ideas which aim to address immediate barriers and to set the scene for growth and job creation. Small firms are regionally spread, they create employment locally, contribute to building a community, and enhance a location’s attractiveness as a place in which to live and do business.