Published on Friday31stJanuary2014

Taoiseach Announces 50 New Jobs at Westbourne IT Global Services

Taoiseach Enda Kenny speaking at the announcement of 50 jobs at Westbourne IT Global Services.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny speaking at the announcement of 50 jobs at Westbourne IT Global Services.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today announced the creation of 50 new jobs at the multilingual, IT global services company, Westbourne IT Global Services, in Cork. Westbourne IT Global Services is actively recruiting multilingual, technical positions that will see its workforce more than double to close to 100 employees within the next 18 months. The job creation is being supported by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation through Enterprise Ireland.

Welcoming the announcement, An Taoiseach said:

The Government is determined that 2014 will be the year of jobs and this announcement by Westbourne IT Global Services is a positive start for Cork and the local economy. The expansion of this indigenous company is a great example of how Irish businesses can compete and succeed in global markets. Through the Action Plan for Jobs, the Government will continue to target support at growth sectors for jobs so we can build on the 1,200 jobs per week created in 2013.