Published on Thursday17thOctober2013

Taoiseach Enda Kenny launches €52 million initiative to Enhance Science and Engineering at University of Limerick

Dr. Mary Shire, Vice President Reasearch UL, Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, Professor Don Barry, President, University of Limerick and Professor Kieran Hodnett, Dean, Faculty Science and Engineering.

Dr. Mary Shire, Vice President Reasearch UL, Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, Professor Don Barry, President, University of Limerick and Professor Kieran Hodnett, Dean, Faculty Science and Engineering.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny tdoay officially launched a €52 million science and engineering initiative at the University of Limerick, ‘The Bernal Project’ which will make a significant contribution to Ireland’s national research initiatives in the strategically important areas of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Energy Research and Development. Named after influential 20th century Irish scientist, John Desmond Bernal who was regarded as the founding father of molecular biology, the project outlines a detailed plan to enhance research excellence in the fields of pharmaceutical science and engineering; energy and sustainable environment; modern and biomedical materials and engineering.