Published on Thursday20thSeptember2012

Taoiseach Enda Kenny supports Ireland's Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Hospice care

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today showed his support for local hospice services by enjoying a cup of coffee on Ireland's biggest coffee morning which takes place in workplaces, homes and local organisations throughout the country.

Ireland's Biggest Coffee Morning is an all-island fundraising event that raises vital funds for local hospice care services. Today marks the 2oth year of the coffee morning.

The Taoiseach said:

It may only cost €2 but this will be the most valuable cup of coffee that any of us can have this year. I would like to pay tribute to the thousands of volunteers who work so hard to support their local hospice and bring comfort and dignity to family, friends and neighbours. It is wonderful to see the community spirit which first created the hospice movement in Ireland is still thriving despite the difficult economic times.

Over the past two decades, the coffee morning has raised an estimated €30 million for hospice care. The target for 2012 is to raise €2 million. All money raised locally stays locally and goes directly to fund local Hospice care services.