Published on Saturday17thMarch2012

Taoiseach Enda Kenny visits Notre Dame University, Indiana

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today visited Notre Dame University in Indiana, home of "the Fighting Irish" football team, as part of his visit to the United States to mark St Patrick's Day. The Taoiseach is pictured with Rev. John I. Jenkins, President of the University of Notre Dame.

While visiting the University, the Taoiseach said :

This evening I come here too to give you credit and to thank you for deciding to bring the iconic Notre Dame ‘home’ to Ireland to play Navy in the Fall. I’m told that quantum mechanics are involved in getting the band alone to Ireland. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the AVIVA stadium.

It’s going to be a wonderful occasion.

I can assure you even a Green Niagara Falls is not half as spectacular as the Irish welcome….the Irish hospitality that awaits you all. A trip of a lifetime.

Don’t just come for the game, take Bord Failte’s advice and “Jump Into Ireland”…. you’ll love what you find.

Read the Taoiseach's speech at Notre Dame here.